Why doesn't the modem work on my computer? Why does the Megafon modem not work: reasons and what to do? Troubleshooting consistently

Mobile Internet is conquering the market more and more. And with the advent of the new high-speed 4G/LTE technology, it can already compete with classic broadband access via ADSL or twisted pair Ethernet by conventional providers. The number of devices is increasing and, of course, more and more questions about use and problems in operation appear. In this article I will talk about the most common causes of malfunctions in the operation of 4G modems from the largest Russian mobile operators - MTS, Beeline, Megafon, as well as ways to eliminate them.
But before you start taking active steps, first of all check whether there is money in your account and whether the SIM card is blocked. Even if the funds were deposited yesterday. Operators also have problems, and the reason why the 4G modem does not work can be a simple glitch in the billing system. And you will waste time, reinstalling programs and drivers for nothing.

Megafon 4G modem does not connect

I have not yet encountered any problems with the service program from Megafon. Usually it works without any problems. Basically, if you have problems with the Megafon modem, then most likely the cause is either a driver malfunction or some kind of failure on the operator’s side.

Several times I encountered connection problems when the cellular signal was very weak. The device seems to see the network, but does not want to connect. In this case, it should be moved closer to the window, it will be better there. If necessary, use a USB extension cable.

Sometimes the 4G modem does not connect due to the playful hands of the user who went into the settings of the Megafon Internet service program and changed something there. Try deleting the existing configuration profile and creating a new one.

In my memory, one client went to the “Tools” - “Settings/Options” tab and changed the operating mode:

Try switching it from NDIS on RAS or vice versa.

Beeline 4G modem does not work

Recently, the Beeline company has achieved good quality of operation of its equipment and problems on the part of the operator arose only because of some misunderstandings with the personal account. From a technical point of view, there were no questions.

The signal level is also not so simple. If errors occur during connection and signal fluctuations occur, and the number of antennas on the indicator either increases or decreases, move the Beeline modem to a place with more stable reception.

The service utility from Beeline did not cause any problems in my experience, but I had to reinstall it a couple of times because it started to freeze at the moment of connection and would not allow me to disconnect. Uninstalling and reinstalling solved everything successfully.

Problems with the MTS 4G modem

If various glitches appear on MTS devices, it is recommended that you first completely reinstall the MTS Connect Manager program. In my practice, it was this action that eliminated almost all the difficulties that arose in my work. Their software is so buggy.

If, when you try to connect, the system writes the error “The connection was interrupted by the remote computer,” then most often the problem is that the PIN code was entered incorrectly.

The same can happen if the modem does not see the SIM card. This happens even if it is connected. Try removing it, cleaning the contacts and inserting it back.

Check in the program whether the SIM card is registered, whether it is blocked and whether the data service is connected.

It happens that the error “Request is expired” is displayed. Then, again, reinstalling MTS Connect Manager helps.

If the connection error “Device is disabled or unavailable” appears in the Connect Manager utility, then you need to try reinstalling the modem driver.

Did not help? Then most likely the device itself has failed and must be covered under warranty.

The message “The remote computer is not responding” appears in case of problems with the settings in the MTS Content Manager program. Check what connection type is set by default. Try setting the values ​​“Only 4G”, “Only 3G” or “Only EDGE/GPRS” one at a time. Didn't connect to any of the options? Call technical support.

Common problems

In order not to write the same thing for each of the telecom operators, I have collected all possible common failures in one paragraph. The same tips will be relevant for other operators, such as Tele2, which are still actively using 3G. They are relevant because these troubles are not related to the communication standard, and their cause lies in the computer or laptop to which the 4G modem is connected.

What if the problem is definitely not in the service program and there is money in the account, but there is no connection? Start by simply plugging it into a nearby USB port.

If you connected it to the connector on the front panel of the computer, then try disconnecting it and plugging it into a free USB port on the back of the motherboard.

I have often encountered situations where the device is connected to the PC using an extension cable, which can be crushed by a chair, chewed by cats, broken at the bend of the connector, etc. Then exclude it from the circuit by connecting the modem directly to your computer or laptop.

Go to the device manager and see how the 4G modem is detected by the system, whether there is an exclamation mark or an arrow on it. Right-click on it and select “Disable” from the menu, then repeat the steps and select the “Enable” option. Did not help? Remove the device and reboot. After that, Windows will install the modem driver again.

If the problem arose after switching to Windows 10, and everything worked perfectly on Windows 7 or Eight, then most likely the 4g modem does not connect due to driver incompatibility. Try going to the official website of your telecom operator, find your model and see if there is a new driver version.

Another common problem is that the Internet connection is blocked by the computer’s security system (firewall, firewall, Internet Security, etc.) In this case, all traffic passing through the connection will be blocked. Therefore, check in the firewall settings to see if it is blocking the 4G modem connection.

P.S. These are all the problems that I know of that arise with 3G/4G/LTE USB modems from MTS, Megafon and Beeline. If none of the above helped you, collect the device and take it to the service center. Most likely the problem is hardware and cannot be solved on your own. It may need to be replaced.

USB modems from cellular operators have long ceased to be something out of the ordinary and have gained unprecedented popularity among Internet surfers due to their ease of setup and use. MTS provides users with a fairly wide range of options when purchasing such a device and concluding a contract for payment for services. However, quite often you can encounter situations when the MTS modem does not connect to the Internet, despite the fact that most of the settings are fully automated, and the user’s special participation in all processes is minimized. We’ll look into what you can do if such problems are noticed.

How to connect to the Internet via an MTS USB modem?

As a rule, the user does not need to do anything special when connecting a modem to a USB port.

The modem is detected in the system as a removable disk, after which, if autorun is enabled, the installation of drivers and Connect Manager software starts. If autostart does not work, you need to go to the root of the removable disk and run the Autorun.exe file yourself. Next, you need to follow the instructions of the “Installation Wizard”, and upon completion of the process, a shortcut will appear on the “Desktop” for making an immediate connection.

How to connect to the Internet via an MTS modem? Double-click to call the connection console, after making sure that the SIM card is inserted and there is money on the balance. After registering the device on the Internet, press the connect button and wait until the connection is established. Please note that at first a message may appear in the status bar stating that the modem is not connected, but this is a temporary phenomenon. Wait a little.

After some time, the connection should be activated. As you can see, you don’t need to configure anything, since the operator has already made sure that the drivers and necessary parameters are installed automatically.

Main types of errors

But let's look at situations when the MTS modem does not connect to the Internet, despite the fact that you have completed all the steps according to the instructions. Indeed, failures in the operation of such devices are observed quite often.

If connection is impossible for some reason, you will have to take several steps to eliminate them. The most common is error 619, indicating that there are not enough funds in your account.

However, you can encounter other failures, among which the most typical are the following:

  • modem failure;
  • missing or damaged original device drivers;
  • disabled USB ports;
  • conflicts with other equipment;
  • overlapping frequency ranges when distributing a signal wirelessly using a router;
  • blocking the connection by third-party applications;
  • failures in the operating system,
  • problems on the operator's side.

The MTS modem connects, but the Internet does not work. What to do first?

So, let's move on to troubleshooting possible problems. The first step is to check the operation of the device on another computer or laptop. If no failures are detected when connecting the modem, you should look for the cause in your own computer terminal. The easiest way out of this situation is to temporarily disable the built-in Windows firewall and antivirus (especially if it is some free software product like Avast). If this does not help, and the MTS modem does not connect to the Internet, move on.

What to do if the modem is not detected in the system?

Let’s assume that the installer seems to have performed all the steps automatically, but the modem is still not among the devices in the “Device Manager”. To begin, expand the entire list by using the show hidden devices item. If there is a modem there and it's marked with a yellow triangle, or you see an unknown device, you'll need to update or reinstall the drivers, telling the system to either search for software on your local computer or set the source to a removable device. If this does not help, you need to go to the operator’s official website from another terminal, download the latest drivers for your modem model, and then install it yourself.

Sometimes the problem that the MTS modem does not connect to the Internet or is missing from the installed devices is solved by reconnecting to another USB port.

In the “Device Manager”, you also need to check the status of the drivers for USB controllers and hosts (all without exception), and, if necessary, perform an update or rollback, depending on the current situation.

The modem is detected, but does not work: device diagnostics

In principle, if the modem does not connect to the Internet, but no problems have been identified with it at the operating system level, you can directly use the diagnostic tool provided for this in Windows. In the equipment properties, you need to set modem polling. After this, either a message will appear indicating that the process is starting. If this does not happen, the device simply does not work. As an additional measure, you can run “Connect Manager” and see if the modem is detected in this program. If it is not there, run “ipconfig /all” (without quotes) on the command line, and once you know your address, contact technical support.

Configuring router settings

Finally, let's see what can be done to correct the situation if the MTS modem does not connect to the Internet through a router, which can be used to distribute a wireless signal.

First, in the IPv4 protocol properties for the created connection, make sure that all types of addresses are set to receive them automatically (this is a prerequisite). Secondly, go to the router’s web interface, go to additional settings and check the options in the USB application settings. They should be like this:

  • APN: internet.mts.ru;
  • Access number: *99# or *99***1#;
  • Username: mts Password: mts.

In addition, the MTS operator must be selected in the list of mobile Internet providers, and Russia must be indicated as the region. As is already clear, if something does not correspond to the described parameters, you need to change the options, save the settings and perform a complete reboot of the router.

Note: when connecting the modem directly to the router via a USB port, it is advisable to check the operation of the port itself. If it is broken, damaged or inoperative, you can’t even dream about the operation of the modem-router combination.

Operators / 10/24/2017

The laptop does not see the Megafon 4G modem

Mobile Internet is very convenient to use. But sometimes it turns out that you purchased a complete set, but the connection does not appear. Let's look at the reasons why the laptop does not see the Megafon 4G modem or the device constantly turns off.

Why doesn't the computer see the Megafon 4G modem?

There may be several reasons. The most common one is a malfunction of the laptop’s USB port or a damaged cable. Try inserting the equipment into a different port. If you are using a cord, check its integrity. It also makes sense to try running it on another PC or laptop. If the equipment is not detected, it means it is faulty. You should contact any point of sale of the Megafon operator and explain that your laptop or PC does not see the modem.

The second reason is incompatibility with the operating system. If you have an older laptop with Windows XP or older installed, it may not see the new hardware. This can only be cured by reinstalling the system to a newer one. If you are using unlicensed software, the necessary drivers may have been cut out of it during assembly. In this case, either find another release or reinstall the drivers.

The third reason is all the same drivers. If they are installed incorrectly, the laptop does not see them. Reinstall manually. To do this, go to the device manager (right mouse button - RMB - on the "Start" button).

If the device is installed normally, you will see a pointer to it in the sections "Modems", "Network adapters" or radically (depending on the model).

Or you see “Unknown device” or an icon with an exclamation mark on the title in the section "Other devices".

Right-click on the title and select "Update drivers">.

Next, click the “Browse” button and look for the Megafon folder in C:\Program Files. This could be "Megafon" or the name of the manufacturer. For example, C:\Program Files\HUAWEI Modem\. You need the Drivers folder. Select the folder corresponding to the bit size of your system (32 bit or 64bit), then the folder of your OS. And click "OK".

If your operating system is not available, take the latest one presented. WIN7 is suitable for Windows 10.

Another option is to remove the Megafon Internet management program (Megafon modem). Removal is carried out in Programs and Components. Select this item by pressing RMB on start.

Right-click on the program and select “Uninstall”.

Reboot your laptop, insert the device and install again. Check if the PC can now see your hardware.

Error connecting to Megafon 4G modem network

If the Megafon 4G modem does not connect to the network, then something is wrong in the settings. But first check the signal strength. Maybe interference is preventing you from getting a connection. Bring it and your laptop to the window. For a desktop computer, it is also better to change the location or use a cord. If this does not help, open MegaFon Internet (MegaFon Modem). Go offline.

Select tools - settings (or options). You will see two options: RAS and NDIS. Choose the opposite.

Click OK. Restart your laptop. And open the MegaFon Internet (MegaFon Modem) program again.

Why does the Megafon 4 g modem constantly turn off by itself?

So, the network keeps disconnecting, what should I do? If you see a "Connection Broken" error, check your balance.

Try changing RAS and NDIS as described above. Also check the signal strength and look for the place where the device sees the network best. It is most convenient to use a laptop; it is easier to move.

If the Megafon 4G modem does not work, reconfigure the profile. Go to Tools and open options. Here you need the Manage Profile item. Create a new profile.

  • APN – “static” and enter internet.
  • Call number *99#

To correct the “Service not started” error, you need to reinstall the management program as described above.

One of the most common problems with the Megafon 4G modem is that it does not find the network - it does not see it. The “Network not found” error most often occurs if there is no signal or you are outside the 4G area. The coverage area can be seen at

Also check the signal strength. It is best to place the device near a window, on the side where the tower is located. Weather conditions also affect communications. It gets worse in rainy and windy weather.

We have listed the most common ways to fix communication problems when the laptop does not see the modem or there are connection problems. If nothing helps you, contact your technical support operator or any point of sale.

Also read on our website:

A device such as a modem from MTS is made for quick access to the Internet using a computer or laptop that has a regular USB output. This device is very convenient, because it can be used anywhere, as long as there is a signal. But often modems may stop working, and there may be several reasons for this, so you should deal with each problem separately.

Features of faults

To determine why the modem is not working, you should first check the balance in your SIM card account. In some cases, even a small amount of funds cannot be used to access the network. You can view all the recommendations and requirements for a SIM card account on the company’s website. There may be restrictions that are written in fine print or hidden from the client.

Additionally, you need to check the functionality of the equipment itself by using it on another PC. If it works, then the problem lies in the personal computer or its software. If the modem does not work on different devices, then the problem may be in it. For this, there are also recommendations and typical problems that are presented on the site.

If the reason is not identified, then you should check the compatibility of the modem and the computer OS. You can launch MTS Connect and wait until the modem is identified in the system. At the same time, you can turn on the device manager and check whether there is MTS equipment in it.

New drivers may be required for operation. Therefore, they should be reinstalled, and you can download them on the MTS website or other resources.

Each modem is equipped with special indicators that indicate the status of the device. The indicator will start to light when power is supplied to it, in other words, immediately after it is plugged into the USB port. Different indicator colors may represent different functions.

Now we need to deal with possible problems in more detail.

The indicator is on, but the modem does not work

When the indicator lights up, it means you need to go to the task manager and find the modem definition on the computer. This can be done by going to the list of devices, but you can simply check its operation. To enter the device manager, you need to go to the control menu and select the “System” section. Then go to the equipment section and click on the dispatcher itself.

For another method, you can use a couple of buttons: Windows + R, after pressing them a menu will appear on the screen where you need to enter devmgmt.msc and click on the OK button.

Modem is not in the list

When the equipment is not located by the computer, this means:

  1. The modem is not plugged into the USB port.
  2. No required drivers.
  3. The modem is broken.
  4. The USB port is not working.
  5. Drivers crash.

If the modem is not in the list, and there are no unknown devices, then you will need to check whether it is correctly included in the port, or even better, move it to a different port. When the indicator starts to glow, then the modem has not burned out and is working. The instructions for the device contain designations for indicators; each color is responsible for different functions. If the indicator shows that the device has connected to the MTS network, then the problem is in the computer software, but a modem driver failure cannot be ruled out.

If the indicator indicates that the device is working, you will need to reinstall the drivers for the modem. If the drivers are installed, but the modem is not detected, then the drivers may not be suitable for another version of Windows.

When the device was working normally, but stopped after a while, and is detected in the device manager, then you should simply remove it and insert it into the port. Then restart the PC.

There is a modem in the list, but it does not function

When the MTS modem does not work, but it is in the list of devices, then diagnostics are carried out. The modem must be selected on the PC and its properties displayed. This can be done by right-clicking. Next, the diagnostic window opens and the modem polling key is pressed. As a result, testing will begin and a certain text will appear. If it is not there, then the device does not function as it should. Perhaps it has incorrect drivers or the modem cannot work with other devices. In the menu that is available, you can make another diagnosis if you press the button for additional communication parameters.

It is possible that the initialization string was not written correctly, as a result of which the device is not able to operate normally. It should ideally be empty if the connection is made via MTS Connect.

Diagnostics in the list of devices

After diagnostics, the modem gives the correct answer, which means you can move on to another action, namely, check for a network connection. You should go to the control panel and go to the network connection. The action can be simplified if you press Windows + R and enter ncpa.cpl.

Next you need to find the connection and select it and go to properties. In the open menu, go to the “General” section and check the connection to the equipment. Then open the “Network” section and the TCP/IP protocol should be empty. When this is the case, you should try connecting to the Internet. After this, certain outcome options may arise:

  1. It is impossible to connect to the Internet, and an error code and text for it appear on the monitor.
  2. There is access to the network, but in fact it is not possible to access the Internet.

If access is denied, then it is recommended to write down the error code and call the operator to clarify the data. The most common code is 619. This code means that there is not enough money on your balance to surf. It's not often that code can indicate that there is a network failure or that technical work is underway.

If there is a connection, but you cannot access the Internet, then the parameters are checked. To do this, call up the menu by pressing Windows + R and enter cmd. Next, a menu will appear in which the ipconfig/all request is entered and the input is pressed. Next, having received the data, you need to call the MTS operator and find out the reasons or get help. Problems include:

  1. The operator has problems.
  2. A certain application or program is blocking traffic.
  3. Computer OS failures.

Don’t be upset if there are different types of problems with network access; often these are operator failures and not a hardware problem. As a rule, failures at the MTS provider most often occur in the evening and during the day, when the network is heavily overloaded. Sometimes the connection speed may simply deteriorate.

Users quite often have a problem where the computer does not recognize the modem. This problem prevents you from accessing the Internet. There can be quite a few reasons for this behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to understand under what circumstances the modem is not recognized.

There should be no reason to panic. All problems and failures can often be fixed without outside help. What points should you pay special attention to? Let's find out...

Damage to connectors

The first and most common cause of our problem today is damaged connectors on the modem or computer. In this case, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to connect the device. What to do? There are several ways out of the situation. If possible, try connecting the router to other sockets. If this does not help, then there is only one option left - repair. The main problem in this case is figuring out which connectors are damaged: on the computer or on the device. A complete check of gadgets usually helps. Perhaps this operation will allow you to find out why the computer cannot detect the modem. However, this is not the most common case.

Modem fault

Let's consider the most common scenario. Let's say your computer doesn't detect your modem. Now is the time to check whether the connected device is functioning. The thing is that modems, especially those that are constantly connected to the network, have a tendency to break down. The service life of such devices is approximately 3 years. After this, you will have to change or repair the router in case of failure. To check for this problem, you will need to try connecting the modem to another computer. If the same situation occurs on another computer, you will have to take the modem for repair. It’s better to immediately buy a similar router and install it. This way, you can save yourself from various problems in the future. However, if the modem worked on another computer, then there is no need to buy a new device. All that remains is to find out why the equipment is not recognized on your personal computer.


If the computer cannot detect the modem, then this is not a reason to panic. Depending on the type of device you are using (ADSL or USB), you need to check for updated drivers for this equipment. In some cases, when monitoring, it turns out that the necessary drivers are not installed on the computer at all. For this reason, the computer does not recognize the device. If you have drivers, you can try updating them. If you have the latest version of drivers installed, then a complete reinstallation of the software may help you. This quite often helps solve the problem. There is nothing difficult about this, you just need to wait a few minutes and try to connect to the network again. If this action does not help, you need to figure it out further. There are many reasons why the computer does not recognize the modem. Most of them can be fixed without additional help on your own.

Hardware mismatch

Some may find it hard to believe, but routers also have system requirements. If the computer does not match them, the modem may not work correctly, or may not be recognized by the personal computer at all. When choosing a router, you need to ensure that your operating system and hardware meet the system requirements. Otherwise, you will have to replace inappropriate components or change the modem. Here you have to make a choice yourself. This is not a very common solution to the problem, but it also occurs. We can only give one recommendation: when choosing a router, try not to neglect the system requirements indicated on the box. This way you can avoid the problem where the computer does not recognize the modem.

System registry

What else should you pay attention to if the computer cannot detect the modem? In some cases, things that have nothing to do with the router help solve the problem. For example, it’s hard to imagine, but a full system registry on a personal computer can also cause a similar problem. If you suddenly remembered that you have not cleaned this computer component for a long time, then it is necessary to correct this situation for the sake of prevention. You should not manually clean the system registry. There is one very good application for this purpose called CCleaner. You need to run it on your computer and click first on the “Analysis” button, and then on the “Cleaning” button. As a result, everything will be completed. Now you can start restarting your computer. If it still does not recognize the modem, then try rebooting the router. If you have a USB modem, you will simply need to remove it and place it in the appropriate slot. Now check if the problem is resolved. Most likely no. A full system registry is very rarely observed on computers. Therefore, clean this component in advance. This way you can exclude this scenario.

Exposure to viruses

Suppose the computer does not recognize the MTS modem or any other. Another reason for this phenomenon is viral activity. Viruses often negatively affect connected equipment, not necessarily routers. Fixing this situation is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. First, you need to clean the system registry, and then scan the operating system for spyware and other infections. What to do if the computer does not recognize the modem due to infection? You just need to disinfect the operating system. Then there will be no problems. Let's assume you were unable to perform system disinfection. In this case, a complete reinstallation of the OS will help. However, before you try to connect the router to your PC again, try installing the drivers for it again. Perhaps the problem will go away on its own.

OS incompatibility

If the computer does not recognize the modem, pay attention to the installed operating system. It may be that the device you are using is simply not compatible with the software. This scenario began to occur quite often with the advent of the Windows 10 operating system. Usually, it is with this operating system that problems most often arise. There is no way to correct the situation. In this case, there can be only one way out - a complete reinstallation of the operating system to the version with which the device is compatible. It may also help to purchase a new router that supports the software you are using.


In some cases, the operating system itself may cause the computer not to recognize the modem connected to it. This problem applies to both ADSL modems and USB. Here you need to consider what software you are using: licensed or pirated? If you chose the second option, then you should have no reason to be surprised. Very often, on pirated operating systems, various problems arise related to connecting devices, including modems. You can try to reinstall the operating system, change it to a licensed copy, or download a special patch to fix problems. If serious problems occur, the connected device may need to be completely replaced. However, do not rush to immediately run to the store for a new modem. First try to rule out all more or less serious causes of this problem. Perhaps everything will work, and you will be able to do without buying a new router.

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