Fixing the "Waiting for download" error in the Play Market. Applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI. Solving problems with Xiaomi Installing Play Market from the Chinese market

Smartphones on the Android platform are the most common today all over the world due to their ease of use and the large number of free applications available on the Play Market. After all, without modern applications, regardless of what smartphone you have: Xiaomi Mi 4C, Xiaomi Mi 5 or even Xiaomi Mi Max, your list of functions and possibilities for using the gadget is sharply reduced. But what to do if your smartphone flatly refuses to download from Google Play?! And this is exactly the problem that devices from the Xiaomi company encountered.

Reasons for the problem

Waiting for a Wi-Fi network in the Play Market on Xiaomi can be caused by a fairly large list of reasons, such as:

  1. Problems with the operating system (in our case Android);
  2. The smartphone is connected to a router that does not provide Wi-Fi (there may be no Internet if the router is connected);
  3. Google service problem (rare, but solvable problem);
  4. Poor compatibility of the Play Store with a specific brand (Xiaomi);
  5. Interference from other installed applications on the smartphone (use of independent ad blockers, etc.);
  6. Settings mismatch (manual setting of changes).

Accordingly, there are many solutions to such problems, depending on the complexity and reasons for their occurrence. Let's consider each of the reasons separately.

Banal (simple)

As for simple solutions to this problem, we should highlight:

  • Reboot your phone. Used in case of unexpected connection problems in the Android operating system itself;
  • Update time and date. This may cause the Play Store to malfunction and only after correction will it establish access to Wi-Fi;
  • Wait. Sometimes, due to the huge amount of data in the market, there may be problems. In this case, you should wait a little. If everything does not improve within 2 hours, then the problem is something else;
  • Removing program settings that may affect the operation of the service (for example, Freedom).

More complex

If you can cope with simple tasks without having much experience in using Xiaomi smartphones, then you will have to tinker with the rest. Connecting to a router and everything connected with it is a rather deep topic, let’s highlight the main ones:

  • Checking the availability of the Internet. The device may be connected to the router, but there is no Internet;
  • Availability of optimal speed. The provider must provide uninterrupted and good Wi-Fi connection speed;
  • Fix device connection ban. There are cases where the connection of a specific device is prohibited;
  • Correct entry of authorization data (login and password);
  • Updating the router firmware;
  • Reset settings to factory settings;
  • There is a possibility that the router is simply faulty.

Give gifts

Problems with the Play Market application

It’s rare, since Google monitors its products, but it still happens that you download an application that does not load due to problems in the play market service itself on your smartphone. Solutions that will correct the situation are:

  • Connecting another Google account;
  • Check and install, if necessary, an update for the OS;
  • Regarding Miui 8 users, the option of waiting for Wi-Fi is possible if the system settings increase the file size limits for downloading;
  • Restore from a backup copy of the application or, if necessary, the entire operating system;
  • Clear the cache of this application on your smartphone (we remove clutter from your smartphone);
  • In the case of “authored” firmware, the option of unofficial sources for downloading the application is possible, so it is necessary to clarify the details with the author of the firmware;
  • Reset settings (with the condition that all data is saved).

Problems with settings

Access settings are one of the key points in creating a reliable and working connection. The solution to this problem is:

  • Correct changes in the Host file (leave only the base file “0.1 localhost” untouched; remove everything else);
  • Checking proxy settings (if not connected only via Wi-Fi).

Waiting for a Wi-Fi network in the Play Market service on Xiaomi smartphones has become a fairly common and discussed problem for users of the brand. Does not download applications and writes about waiting for Wi-Fi - the most common requests regarding Xiaomi today. But don’t be discouraged, because following a simple algorithm of actions, you can easily fix the problem based on your situation.

Recently I encountered a problem that I urgently needed to update the application, but there was no available WI-FI network nearby. I decided to update using the mobile network, unchecked the box in the market, but the download still did not start, instead the play market wrote “Waiting for WI-FI network” and the process stopped. There is of course no option in the Play Store settings related to the cause of this problem.

Video. Applications from Play Market without WI-FI cannot be downloaded on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

Video. Applications cannot be downloaded from Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

Why Xiaomi refuses to download applications and games using the mobile network

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and clear, and the play market turned out to be not to blame for the current problem. My Xiaomi operating system, MIUI, has a feature called a built-in bootloader. He is responsible for downloads, updates, their speed, size - well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to a smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the downloader only downloads via WI-FI, then no matter how much you want, you won’t be able to download anything without it. This is exactly what happened, the Play Market simply could not update the application, because the file size when downloading was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

To be able to download and update applications not only via WI-FI, but also via a mobile network, follow the instructions below.

Instructions for setting up the Xiaomi bootloader (MIUI)

First, go to “Tools” - Tools on the smartphone’s desktop. Here we select the “Downloads” icon - Downloads.

A window opens in front of us where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything like that. We are interested in settings, so we click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.

Menu items pop up, one of which is called “Settings”. This is exactly what we need, so we click on it.

Now we are looking for the phrase “Download size limit” - a limitation of the mobile Internet. By default there is usually 1MB. We are not happy with this because we want to install applications with a large size. Let's tap on this point.

We select from the required options the one that suits us and click “Ok”.
That's all, now you can safely download and update applications using the mobile Internet.

Note: if you do not have unlimited Internet on your smartphone or you use up the allocated traffic very quickly, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as this can hit your wallet.

When updating or downloading any application from, you may encounter a “Waiting to download” error. This problem can occur for several reasons, which will be discussed below.

Most errors can arise from a minor glitch in the system, which can be corrected by simply rebooting the gadget. Restart your device and try downloading or updating the app again.

Method 2: Finding a stable Internet connection

Another reason could be that the Internet on the device is not working correctly. The reason for this may be the end or end of traffic on the SIM card or a break in the WI-FI connection. Check their operation in the browser and, if everything works, then move on to the next method.

Method 3: Flash Card

Also, the operation of the Play Market can be affected by the flash card installed in the device. Make sure it is stable and operational using a card reader or other gadget, or simply remove it and try downloading the desired application.

Method 4: Automatic updates of applications in the Play Market

When downloading a new application, a waiting message may also appear due to the fact that previously installed ones are currently being updated. This can happen if auto-update is selected in Google Play settings "Always" or "Only via WI-FI".

Now let's move on to more complex solutions.

Method 5: Clear Play Market data

Method 6: Removing and adding a Google account

  1. To erase Google account data from your device, "Settings" go to "Accounts".
  2. The next step is to go to "Google".
  3. Now click on the button in the form of a basket with a signature "Delete account", and confirm the action by tapping the corresponding button again.
  4. Next, to resume your account, go to "Accounts" and go to "Add account".
  5. From the proposed list, select the item "Google".
  6. Next, the add account window will appear, where you can enter an existing one or create a new one. Since you currently have an account, in the appropriate line enter the phone number or email to which it was previously registered. To go to the next step, click "Further".

Almost every mobile device has an application store. This is very convenient; in the application market you can find almost everything, both paid and free solutions from developers from all over the world. Unfortunately, not all Xiaomi devices sold have a standard application store installed, which is replaced by a Chinese analogue - Mi Market. In this article we will look at how to install Google Play Market on Xiaomi devices.

If your Xiaomi device does not have an application store, most likely you have a Chinese version of the firmware, which has two languages ​​and is intended for residents of China. The authorities of the Celestial Empire ordered to block all Google services in the country, so devices for China do not have all the applications of the “good company” (which have the abbreviation GAPPS - Google Applications), including their Play Market, which was replaced by a Chinese application store.

The site administration is not responsible for your actions; you do everything at your own peril and risk.

Let's look at the most common options for installing Google Play from simple to more complex.

Installing Play Market from the Chinese market

The steps may differ slightly on different firmware, so if the text instructions are not suitable for you, you should watch the video instructions.

  1. Open the Mi Market (Xiaomi Market) application store on your phone.
  2. Enter “Google” into the search
  3. The very first application in the search results should be with a red icon and with the letter G in the center, it is called “Google Installer” (the application icon in Xiaomi Market may change over time). Select and click “Install”.
  4. We wait for the program to install and then launch it.
  5. In the application itself, you need to select “Play Market” and click the “Install” button.
  6. Most likely, you will be asked to install a package of necessary programs called “Google Service Framework”; without them, the play market will not be able to work, so we agree to the installation (use the button in the upper right corner).
  7. The application is installed!

Video instructions with a different version of the operating system.

Installation using apk file

You can install Google Play Market using a separately downloaded application. Unfortunately, most programs will not work on the device, since they all contain only the Play Market itself, although its operation requires system applications that are not available on Xiaomi devices with Chinese firmware. Therefore, installation will require software packages specially created by users for Chinese firmware.

All programs are taken from the official English forum; we have placed them on a separate file storage for your convenience. You can also download them yourself from the forum, all links will be given below, to download you will need to log in to the forum through your .

For all Google programs to work, you will need a gmail account (mail), when launching applications you will need to enter your username and password. If you don’t have them, you can create them in advance or at the time of booting the device.

Also, do not forget to enable the installation of programs from unknown sources on your smartphones.

Option 1

This program, according to the author, is taken from the Chinese Xiaomi Market. You will need to install the program, run it and then select which Google applications you want to install. After this, you should reboot the device.

Option 2

This is an already modified program, with the bare minimum of required files. You download, launch and the program should install everything you need for the Google Play Market to fully function.

Installation via bootloader (recovery)

This option differs from the previous ones in that we will not install through the operating system. This installation is considered the most correct among advanced users.

Installation by flashing

For most Xiaomi devices, international multilingual firmware has been released, which includes the Russian language and all programs from Google. If you are going to Russify your device, then it would be best to simply flash the firmware with a multilingual version of miui. In this case, the market itself will be in Russian. You can read the instructions here.

Possible problems

If you experience crashes, download programs from the play market slowly, applications do not want to be installed, or the application itself does not work, then you can try one of the following tricks.

When installing an application package from the Mi Market or through an apk file, it may happen that Google Play itself will be installed faster than the necessary system files. Therefore, after launching the market, the application will simply crash. To fix this, you need to uninstall the Play Market as a regular program (long tap on the icon and drag it up to delete) and then install the market again from Google Installer, only now without the Service Framework package.

If after reinstalling the problems do not disappear, you may need to remove the Google account from the phone, restart the device and register it again. In our case with the xiaomi redmi 3 pro smartphone, this advice helped. According to reviews, after this manipulation, 98% of problems disappear.

Another solution to many problems is to install a newer version of the Play Market over the old one. At the moment, the current version is assembly number 5.6.8. You can download it from this link, forum.

Incorrect date and time can cause gapps to crash, so make sure you have the time, date and time zone set correctly.

Reset your market settings. To do this, go to the application manager, find Play Market in the list and click on it. In the settings window, select "Erase data" and "Clear cache".

Be sure to check your firewall settings in the "security" section. The Internet connection for the application may be blocked.

If you do not have important information on your phone, you can try resetting all data.

At the moment, these are all known ways to deal with errors. Write in the comments which method helped you.

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