Exit lost ipad mode. How to find a lost iPhone? How scammers activate missing mode

What to do if your iPhone or iPad is stolen or the device is lost? The first and main action is to remotely block the gadget, which will not only prevent the use of the device by third parties, but will also contribute to the return of the lost item. How to lock an iPhone or iPad in case of loss or theft, as well as the settings without which remote locking is impossible, is described in detail in this guide.

First, let's consider the following option: your iPhone or iPad has not yet been stolen/lost (hopefully it will remain so), but you are worried that such a situation is possible. It is important to understand that Apple's security systems that allow you to detect or remotely block a mobile device only work if they are active. It turns out that if the “Find iPhone” function on your smartphone or tablet is not activated, then finding the device will be extremely problematic.

Therefore, without waiting for any emergencies with your iPhone or iPad, we do the following.

How to enable Find My iPhone

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → iCloud.

Note: This assumes you're signed in with your Apple ID. If this is not the case, then you must first log in. If you don't have an Apple ID account, you can find out how to create one.

Step 2. Select the section " Find iPhone» (« Find iPad"for tablets).

Step 3: Activate the switch " Find iPhone».

Only after these simple manipulations will you have a real opportunity to track or block the device if it is lost. You can read more about the Find iPhone feature.

Now let's get back to those who have fallen victim to cybercriminals or lost their iPhone or iPad. Once Find My iPhone or Find My iPad has been enabled, locking your device remotely is fairly easy.

How to Remotely Lock a Stolen or Lost iPhone or iPad

Step 1. Go to the website iCloud.com and sign in using your Apple ID account information.

Step 2: Launch the web application " Find iPhone", Press " All devices» and select the device you want to remotely block.

Step 3: In the device window, click " Lost Mode».

Step 4. Enter the six-digit passcode that will lock your device.

Step 5: Enter the message that appears on the screen of your locked device.

Step 6. Enter your contact phone number, which will also be displayed on the screen of your locked device and click “ Further».

Step 7. The successful transfer of the iPhone or iPad to lost mode will be indicated by a message in the upper left corner of the device window.

The device itself will be instantly locked after being put into lost mode. The display will begin to show the message and phone number you specified.

When you try to unlock your iPhone or iPad, you will be prompted to enter a six-digit password.

Until the correct password is provided, the iPhone or iPad will continue to remain locked. Remove the lock by flashing it, even through

Mobile phones in the modern world are universal devices that offer a variety of capabilities. Today, smartphones can handle a huge number of operations. iPhone phones are gaining special attention. They stand out for their originality and variety of options. Apple phones have a so-called lost mode. This is an extremely useful feature that will be useful to everyone. We have to figure out how the iPhone's "lost mode" works. What do owners of these phones need to know about it?


First we need to find out what we are talking about. What is "lost mode"? For what purposes is it used?

The option being studied is one of the ways to ensure the safety of a lost or stolen iPhone. Apple gadgets have a “Find iPhone” option. It allows you to determine the location of a particular device. “Lost mode” is one of the components of the operation, which not everyone knows about.

This option allows you to:

  1. Set a password for the screen lock if the combination has not been initialized previously. You don't need a phone.
  2. Display any message on the device display. If “lost mode” is enabled, then by default a message will appear on the phone indicating the loss of the device with a request to call the owner back.

Accordingly, the mode being studied is an excellent assistant when searching for a lost phone. The message displayed on the display can be changed by the subscriber at his discretion. But how does the iPhone's "lost mode" work?

Principle of operation

Everything is very simple. As soon as the option is activated (we will discuss how to do this later), the iPhone screen will be locked. It can only be unlocked using the password specified when the mode was turned on. In addition, a message with the specified text will appear on the display. No one else will be able to use the phone.

Need to remove "lost mode"? How to unlock the device in this case? You need to use iPhone restoration or flashing the gadget. However, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the activated option. The first time you turn on your Apple phone, a message will appear on the screen stating that the operating system is in “lost mode.” To remove it, you must be authorized using your AppleID profile.

The interesting thing is that there is no way to unlock the device when the “lost mode” is turned on. In this case, Apple support does not help. iPhone 6, like any other Apple phone, will require an AppleID. Service centers won't help either - employees will tell you that you need profile data to unlock. Neither receipts nor documents for the phone allow you to regain access to the device.

Now we understand how iPhone Lost Mode works. If you can’t remember the data from Apple ID, you can:

  • throw away your mobile phone;
  • return the device for spare parts.

Today, Lost Mode cannot be removed without a password and AppleID login. Everyone needs to remember this.

Enabling the option

How to enable "lost mode"? iPhone allows you to bring your idea to life in several ways. Namely:

  • using iCloud;
  • through the application from the AppStore "Find iPhone".

Let's focus on the first option. It is used in practice most often. This is due to the fact that with such activation there is no need to use the lost device.

So, to enable “lost mode”, you will need:

  1. Turn on your computer or any other device with Internet access. The operation is faster on a PC.
  2. Connect to the Internet. In your browser, go to icloud.com.
  3. Sign in using Apple ID.
  4. Click on the icon with a picture of a radar. It's labeled "Find iPhone".
  5. Select the desired device from the list that appears.
  6. On the right side of the window, click on the “Lost Mode” button.
  7. Enter a password to lock the screen. If it has been installed previously, you can go straight to writing the message shown on the display.

That's all. Now Lost Mode will be activated on your mobile phone. It is important to note that it will only take effect if the iPhone is turned on and connected to the internet. Otherwise, “lost mode” is activated immediately after accessing the World Wide Web.

Reasons for self-shutdown

These are the opportunities Apple offers. The iPhone 6 (and any other Apple device) will be completely protected from use if it is lost. However, sometimes all the proposed actions need to be done several times. “Lost Mode” turns off automatically under certain circumstances.

Why does this happen? Most often, this happens if the person who found the phone sets a four-digit lock code on the display before turning on Lost Mode. In this case, you just need to format the device.

How to do it? You need to click on the "Erase" button in the "Find iPhone" mode. Next, enter your Apple ID data and the operation is confirmed. There are no further options for the development of events. This is the only way a person can protect their personal information.

Disabling the option

It's clear how "lost mode" works. iPhone allows you to turn it off. To do this, you need to use the lost gadget directly. In addition, the person will need a code or data from the Apple ID profile.

Through technical support, it is possible to disable Lost Mode in exceptional cases. To do this, you need to have various information about the gadget. For example:

  • data on the purchase of the device (date, place);
  • checks and receipts;
  • information written in the account;
  • answers to security questions;
  • backup mail.

As already mentioned, such a scenario is practically impossible to implement. If the unlock code is known, it is entered on the device, after which Lost Mode is reset. Or the subscriber enters data from the Apple ID (when formatting the device). Nothing difficult or special!

Is the mode enabled?

It's clear how the iPhone's "lost mode" works. Is there any way to find out if this option is enabled? For example, if we are talking about buying a device from someone else.

In this case, you can only verify by personally examining the phone. If the subscriber knows only the serial number of the device, there is no way to verify that the “lost mode” is disabled. At least it's free.

Today, owners of Apple devices are offered the use of paid verification services. Most often these are scammers. Therefore, there is no way to check for Lost Mode on an iPhone without directly inspecting it.

Greetings! Apple mobile devices have a great feature that has already helped (and continues to help) many users find their forgotten (stolen) iPhones or iPads. Many people have heard about it - this is “find iPhone”. But there is also an important component of this option – the lost mode. Not many people have heard about it anymore. Why? The thing is that they usually start using it when the device has already been lost or stolen.

I sincerely hope that it was not such a misfortune (loss or theft) that brought you to this page, but just idle curiosity. I will try to fully satisfy him and tell him about the lost mode in the iPhone in as much detail as possible, let's go!

What is Lost Mode on iPhone?

As I already said, this is one of the components of the “find iPhone” function. Accordingly, it is impossible to use one without the other. This mode allows you to perform two manipulations with your device at a distance:

  1. If your iPhone or iPad did not have a screen lock password, set one.
  2. Display any message on the screen.

The standard entry that appears when you turn on Lost Mode is: “This iPhone has been lost. Please, call me". Plus, the phone number you provide.

Naturally, you are free to change it and write whatever you want, even the most serious curse words.

How does Lost Mode work?

After activating the loss mode (how to do this is written below), the device screen is locked with a password (which was set earlier or the one you specified yourself when you turned on this mode) and an inscription with the text you wrote is displayed on the screen. Now no one will be able to use the device or gain access to it without knowing the password.

If someone wants to remove it, for example (even with ), then of course they will succeed and the password that is set for the screen lock will disappear. However, subsequently, a special window will appear in which it will be written that this device is in lost mode and you need to enter your Apple ID account information to unlock it.

It is noteworthy that such devices are almost impossible to unlock in any way, even through Apple technical support. Receipts, boxes and other evidence that the gadget was purchased by you and belongs to you will no longer help here. Company employees will only repeat one thing - remember your Apple ID and password.

The most important thing to remember. If the iPhone or iPad is in Lost Mode and the credentials are not known, then you can do the following with such devices:

  • Sell ​​for spare parts.
  • Just put it on the shelf.

At the moment, it is almost (99%) impossible to make them work.

How to enable Lost Mode on iPhone?

There are two main ways to activate Lost Mode:

  1. Using the iCloud service web page.
  2. Through a special application available for free download in the App Store - “find iPhone”.

Since access to the Internet is much easier to obtain than another Apple device with a special application installed, we will consider enabling the lost mode through the iCloud online service.

P.S. In any case, no matter what actions you want to take with the missing mode - activate or deactivate, the chances of a successful outcome increase with each “like” for this article. Try it! Still have questions? I'm waiting in the comments!

It's no secret that Apple mobile devices are somewhat popular among thieves. Apple has provided a number of protective measures to make life as difficult as possible for attackers and to return the device to its rightful owner as quickly as possible. First of all, this is a function. But today we will not talk about it, but about Lost Mode, which should be activated in the event of loss or theft of an Apple device.

Lost Mode is available on all mobile devices running iOS 5.0 and above with Find My iPhone enabled. This mode is one of the emergency modes of the device and is necessary for blocking and further searching for an iPhone or iPad. If the lost mode is activated, then it is impossible to unlock the device without a special code, as well as to manipulate it through iTunes.

This mode is activated from another Apple mobile device or from a computer via iCloud. In this mode, the device is not flashed via iTunes using conventional methods. It is possible to call a locked smartphone, but calls from it can only be made to one trusted number, and incorrect attempts to enter a password will lead to temporary blocking of the smartphone or tablet.

Activating Lost Mode via iCloud

1. On a computer with Internet access, go to the website.
2. Log in with your Apple ID account.

3. Launch the web version of the Find iPhone application.
4. Select the missing or stolen iPhone from the All devices list.

5. Click the Lost Mode button.
6. If you have not set a lock password on your device, do so now.

7. Enter a trusted phone number. You can call this number from a locked device.
8. Type a text message that will be sent to the missing iPhone. You can offer a reward to the finder.

As a result of these actions, the smartphone or tablet will be put into emergency mode. Its lock screen will display the message you typed and the trusted number. It will be impossible to unlock the device without knowing the password.

Turn on Lost Mode from another Apple mobile device

1. On a mobile device with iOS 5.0 or higher, launch the Find My iPhone application.
2. Sign in using your Apple ID.

3. Select the missing device.
4. Tap on the Actions button.

5. Select Lost Mode and activate it.
6. Set a password, enter your phone number, and type messages, just like with iCloud.
7. Click Finish.

Disabling Lost Mode

If your device has been found and returned, now it becomes necessary to disable this emergency mode. This can be done through iCloud or another iOS-based mobile device. Lost mode can also be deactivated on a locked device.

In the latter case, to remove the mode, you will need to enter the lock password correctly. It is possible to guess the password manually, but continuous guessing will take too much time, given the temporary blocking of input if the password is entered incorrectly. Therefore, selection at random is impractical. And the owner can remove the mode by entering the correct lock password.

Disable Lost Mode in iCloud

1. On your computer, go to the website.
2. Sign in using your Apple ID and launch the Find My iPhone app.
3. In the list of devices, select the locked device.

4. Click the Lost Mode button.
5. Select Exit Lost Mode.
6. Confirm your decision.

Emergency mode will be disabled, but there is a small nuance. To unlock your smartphone you will need to enter the set password. Also, this password will automatically be assigned as the iPhone lock code. You can change it in the system settings.

The procedure for disabling lost mode through another Apple mobile device is completely similar to that described above. Be extremely vigilant, the lock password is vital to keeping your iPhone safe. Therefore, you cannot forget this password. If you lose your password, you will need to flash the device first by entering it into DFU or Recovery Mode. After flashing, to return the iPhone to its normal state, you will need to enter the Apple ID ID and password from which Lost Mode was enabled.

One of the distinctive options of Apple devices is “ iPhonelost mode" This function has allowed more than one disappeared or forgotten smartphone (tablet) to return to its owner.

This mode authorizes the remote execution of the following actions:

  1. Set a screen lock password if you haven't already set one.
  2. Display any message on the screen of your gadget. By default, a warning is displayed that the device is lost and the finder is asked to call the number shown. But the user can change this text to any at his discretion.

How does Lost Mode work?

Once the mode has been activated, the device screen will be locked. To unlock, use the password set earlier or set when the mode was turned on. The message you sent is constantly displayed on the display (using the gadget is not possible). To further use the device, you will need to enter your Apple ID record data; upon completion of entry, the device will be unlocked and ready for use.

When an iPad or iPhone is in lost mode, it is almost impossible to force it to work without the owner's knowledge.

There are only two options left: use a smartphone or tablet as spare parts, or simply put it in a drawer.

You can enable the mode using the following options:

  1. By downloading the official, free application in the App Store online store.
  2. Using the online service "iCloud". To do this, you need to go to the link https://www.iCloud.com, in the pop-up window, enter the Apple ID and password (which was set on the missing device). We select the radar icon and the device we are interested in.

After the mode is activated in one of the ways, the device will execute the received command the first time it connects to the Internet. In exceptional cases, also at a distance (using the same methods), it is possible to completely delete data from the device. But it is also not possible to use it in the future without knowing the Apple ID.

Disabling Lost Mode is only possible directly from the Apple device itself.

To do this, you just need to enter the lock screen code or Apple ID data (if all data has been “reset” by the user). It is not possible to find out remotely (using only EMEI) whether the lost mode is activated on official Apple resources.

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