What is needed to activate Windows 10

Since Microsoft released the Windows XP operating system, users have become seriously interested in the issue of activating it. After the release of the latest version of the OS, within a few months, resourceful programmers were developing a way to hack the system, causing enormous damage to Microsoft. All this is understandable, but what about a question that interests tens of millions of users? Let's figure it out: what happens if you don't activate Windows 10?

There is no limit to the generosity of Microsoft developers. Finally, Windows 10 has begun to be distributed in the form of installation images, and quite legally. The company's marketers came to the conclusion that this was the only right choice. And really, who needs an OS on disks these days, when more than half of users don’t even have the drive necessary to read them.

For those who engage in piracy, no protection will still be an obstacle. Therefore, we consider it our duty to explain to you in detail the whole essence of activating Windows 10. These days, Internet payments are very developed and paying for a copy of Windows is not difficult, it would seem that you just bought it...

In fact, everything is not as charming as it seems. Microsoft decided to cheat and make as much money as possible from subscriptions. Previously, you could buy the distribution you needed and use it until the end of your days, but now this number no longer works. Now you need to constantly renew your subscription and pay a certain amount, which will depend on the version of Windows.

How do you like this state of affairs? After all, the operating system itself is distributed completely free of charge: anyone can download it from the official website and install it on a PC (we described how to do this correctly in). As you can understand, most users do not like the option of renting a system.

It is much nicer to buy something than to constantly rent it. The same with Windows 10 - in fact, you don't buy it, you rent it. As a result, the question naturally arises: what will happen if you do not continue the subscription, but skip it and do not activate Windows 10. Let's figure out what awaits us in this case.

What happens if you don't activate it?

We hasten to immediately reassure our users - nothing bad will happen to non-activated Windows 10. Those days when we were faced with a black screen and one single notification about urgent activation are long gone. Now things are a little different.

A watermark will appear on the lower right side of your desktop indicating that Windows 10 activation failed. And nothing more. Not scary? And here another question arises - if these are all restrictions, then why pay money for the system at all?

There is no answer to this question yet. Why people from Microsoft decided not to limit the functionality of the non-activated version of their OS is unclear. Most likely, all the difficulties await us in the near future, but for now we are simply attracting new users to Ten. And while this is so, use the system, use it 100% - after all, it is absolutely legal!

What restrictions await us?

There are a few more points to consider that appear in the non-activated version of the operating system. The only thing we forgot to mention is the unavailability of some OS personalization features. This means you won't be able to customize desktop colors, icons, or other system design features. In our opinion, this is absolutely not critical. Otherwise, a fully functional system will be installed on your computer. For example, the Power Shell tool works fine in Windows 10 without activation.

And unless you have a huge amount of money that you constantly need to pay for using Tens, some colors that cannot be customized will not become an obstacle to an otherwise fully functional OS. Moreover, millions of users are already aware of this state of affairs and use licensed versions of Windows 10 without activation without any problems. Now we don’t need pirated versions and activators that are filled to the brim with viruses - Microsoft made sure that we use their operating system for free.

If activation is still needed

Much has already been written about how to properly activate Windows 10. We will briefly tell you how this is done in the official way. So, if you previously purchased a licensed copy of Windows 7 or 8, there will be no problems at all. You simply enter the key for it into “Ten” and use the licensing system.

If you haven't purchased operating systems in the past, the process will become a little more complicated. You will need to buy a subscription to Windows 10. But this already costs a lot of money and here everyone has the right to choose - use a system with restrictions on personalization for free or pay a tidy sum and buy Windows 10. The choice is yours, we just stated the facts.

Wolf in sheep's clothing!

Do not download or use operating system activators under any circumstances. First of all, because this way you will break the law and get charged. Secondly, along with this activator you will download a virus to your PC, which will reliably settle there. Are you ready to completely tear down the system, format the disks and reinstall everything again? If you download the activator, this will be approximately the case.

Let's sum it up

So, now you know what will happen if you do not activate the Windows 10 operating system. As mentioned above, its functionality will not be seriously affected. A watermark and a permanent theme are not a reason to constantly pay big money to update your OS subscription.

So don’t rush to buy Windows 10, first try to use it without activation and only then make a decision. Dear users, share your opinion on the topic in the comments and complement the picture we outlined in the article.

Windows 10 activation video

Windows 10 is a new operating system of the Windows family (and the latest edition, as Microsoft itself states) Many have managed to install it, and many are still thinking about it, because they are afraid of problems with further Windows 10 activation. In this article, I will tell all ways to activate Windows 10. Via Skype, using a key, using an activator
I won't talk about licensed software. Everyone decides for themselves whether to buy a licensed Windows 10 or activate it using other methods.

The first activation method is the easiest. If you have purchased the Windows 10 operating system (or a laptop with Windows 10 installed). Then you have either a disk with Windows 10 (on which the Windows 10 key is written) or you can look at your Windows 10 key on the lid of the laptop.

The most important thing to activate Windows 10 is to install the version of Windows 10 you purchased. If you have Windows 10 Home, you need to install the Windows 10 home version, not Windows 10 Pro. The Windows 10 key is suitable for both 32-bit Windows 10 and 64-bit versions.
Some desktop computers that are sold with licensed Windows installed also have a sticker with a Windows 10 key.

When you know your Windows 10 key, then you can start activating Windows 10. Right-click on This ComputerProperties and press Windows activation

Now enter your key and click Activate. If everything went well, your Windows 10 is activated

Activating Windows 10 using an activator

There are already many different activators for Windows 10 that will also make your system activated. Decide for yourself whether to use them or not.

Option #1. Re-Loader Activator

Re-Loader activator is an excellent and simple activator that will easily activate your operating system and make your Windows 10 activated
The Re-Loader activator can also activate installed Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Attention: For the activator to work you need to install .Net Framework 4.5
It is advisable to turn off the antivirus before using the activator. Launch Re-Loader

Select what you want to activate and click Active. 1 - Windows activation. 2-Office activation

Option #2. KMS Auto Lite

Kms Autolite is a popular activator from Ratiborus. The activator can activate both Windows 10 and Office 2016.
Now run the KmsAuto Lite activator

Select the products you want to activate and click activation

Activating Windows 10 via Skype

Only “select” fans of Windows 10 know this method. Windows 10 can be activated by phone using Skype and a key found on the network. This method is quite time-consuming, but it makes your Windows 10 licensed, and forever.
First, you need to find a key that is not yet blocked and suitable for activating Windows 10. You need to check the key using the MsAct v 1.06 program
Download MsAct v 1.06 to check Windows 10 keys
Launch the program MsAct v 1.06 - Insert the key into the field— Install the key
If the key is suitable for activation in Skype, the program will display the following message:

Now let's call the number +3728002230 in Skype Microsoft. To activate Russian, press 2. Next, enter the Windows 10 key when asked.
Then the girl will dictate 8 blocks of letters and numbers. You must write them down on paper or in a notepad and then enter them in the MsAct v 1.06 program and click Apply code

Activating Windows 10 via Skype via Msact
After that, save the activation somewhere by clicking on the floppy disk


I described all the ways to activate Windows 10. The most correct way would be to purchase and install a licensed one, purchased in a store. Decide for yourself how you want to activate Windows 10. Here are the descriptions: SELECTED methods that do not contain viruses and will definitely activate your Windows 10
P.S: Look for activators on the Internet

Windows activation is a procedure to confirm the legality and authenticity of a product. From the point of view of the law and the developer, if your system works, this does not always mean that the product is licensed. KMS, SLIC tables, corporate keys (MSDN and Dream Spark as well) are not always a guarantee of license confirmation. This article will describe basic activation methods if you have the original product key.

First, you need to determine your license type. Windows operating systems are divided into several types of licenses:

  • Retail, Box (FPP, ESD) version. The version purchased separately from the device (except for the OEM package) previously included a box with a disk, key and documentation, hence the name Box edition. This license applies to 1 device with the ability to transfer to other PCs. Also, some “old” versions of Office distributed in the Box version could be used on several devices at once.
  • OEM – version, assembly kit, pre-installed version. The most common version for home users. The OEM version of Windows is usually provided with the purchased laptop, all-in-one or system unit; the cost of this license is already included in the price of the device. This license cannot be transferred to other equipment (according to the terms of the agreement) and should only be used on the device that was purchased with it.
  • Windows 10 Digital License– a license tied to the hash amount of your equipment at the time of updating the activated system from Windows 7.8 or 8.1. After the release of Windows 10 version 1511 (Anniversary Update), the digital license is also linked to your Microsoft account for the convenience of reactivating Windows 10 when changing hardware.
  • Volume Licensing – corporate version for a large fleet of devices (often used by “pirates”), multiple activation keys, keys for KMS servers.
    This article will describe methods for Retail, OEM and digital licenses, since they are the most common option when used at home.

Windows version and license differences

Retail version (FPP - Full Product Package) is a full-fledged product that you can completely control. The kit includes an installation disk, persons. agreement, product key. For some versions of Windows 10, the kit included a USB drive with an image, documentation, and a product key.

The Retail version also includes CCP (Compliance Checking Program) keys and version upgrade keys. They were mainly popular when Windows 8 was released; on the Microsoft website you could buy a CCP activation key for Windows 8 Pro, although Windows 7 was required for the update. At the moment, you can easily activate Windows 8 and 8.1 with this key, however, in case of an error, you will need to contact to the support service.

There is also an ESD version, Electronic Software Delivery is a method of delivering software by email. You need to enter the key that is sent to you by email. Basically, this version is currently sold for Windows 10, Office 2016, Office 365.

OEM is a version that is only available to PC builders and is therefore not usually sold to general users, but they can still be found on sale. The key can be in the form of a sticker on the case of your system unit, laptop or all-in-one. It has also become common to embed activation keys into the motherboard memory, the so-called SLIC tables.

Basically the order is:

  1. Installing Windows (If the system is Windows 10 and has a digital license, activation will take place automatically)
  2. Entering Product Key into the system (if the version does not match, return to step 1)
  3. Activation via the Internet (if there is no Internet or an error appears, go to step 4)
  4. Activating Windows by phone

On the Internet

First of all, you need to make sure that the edition of the installed version and the product key match. Click on the Start button, then right-click Computer and select Properties. Your edition will be written in the Windows edition line. You can also determine your Windows edition by entering the winver command in the search bar or in the Run window (Win+R).

If the key and the system match, then we move on to the next stage.
There is a menu in the system properties window Change product key, or you can open the input window by launching the Run window (press the Win+R key combinations) and entering the slui 3 command. The Product Key entry window will open, where you will need to insert a 25-digit code.

After verification, activation will occur or an error will occur. Depending on the operation of the services, the correctness of the key entry and the installation of the correct version of Windows, the error may vary.

Via command line

The command line and the SLMGR parameter can help you.
Slmgr /dli – the command displays license information, status and the last 5 characters of the activation key.

Slmgr /ipk [Product Key] – using this command, you can enter the Product Key into the system.

Slmgr /ato is a command that performs forced activation.

Slmgr /rearm – Resets activation timers.
Slmgr /rilc – Causes the reinstallation of all licenses stored in the %SystemRoot%\system32\oem and %SystemRoot%\System32\spp\tokens directories.
Slmgr /cpky – deleting a key.

To reset the system license, the commands are executed in the following order: Slmgr /cpky, Slmgr /rilc, Slmgr /rearm.

By phone

Depending on your Internet connection, you may be required to activate by phone (if it is not possible to connect to the server or activation using this key was performed within 60 days on other equipment).
If the code is entered incorrectly or is incorrect, you will be redirected to the support service, where a live person will ask again for the Installation Code and advise on any questions that may arise.
Before calling the activation window, make sure that the key is entered into the system. To do this, you can use the Slmgr /dli command. If the last 5 characters of the key match the activation key, then call the activation window by phone by entering the command slui 4.

We select the country and in the next window the phone number of the activation service will be displayed, as well as the Installation code, just below there will be an enter button Confirmation code.
First of all, call the number provided and enter the Installation Code. If the code is entered correctly, a Confirmation Code will be dictated to you. If, at one of the stages, you make a mistake, you will be redirected to a service specialist, where they will help you.

By phone via command line

If the installation code is not displayed, then the Command Line will help you again

Slmgr /dti – the command will display the installation code.

Slmgr /dlv [Verification Code] – the command will enter a confirmation code and perform activation (you may also need to run the Slmgr /ato command).

Windows activation errors

Error code Description
0xC004C003, 0xC004C060, 0xC004C4A2, 0xC004C4A2, 0x803FA067L, 0xC004C001, 0xC004C004, 0xC004F004, 0xC004C007, 0xC004F005, 0 xC004C00F, 0xC004C010, 0xC004C00E, 0xC004C4A4, 0xC004C4A5, 0xC004B001, 0xC004F010, 0xC004F050 The product key you entered cannot be used to activate Windows. Check that the key is entered correctly and that it matches the version of Windows 7
0xD0000272, 0xC0000272, 0xc004C012, 0xC004C013, 0xC004C014 The activation server is unavailable, try again later or use a different Internet connection.
0xC004E003 99% that the key is blocked.
0xc004f057 Enter the following commands:
Slmgr /cpky
Slmgr /rearm
0x80072EE7 There is no Internet, connect another Internet or activate by phone.
0xc004f012 Run in cmd:
net stop sppsvc

Cd %windir%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WSLicense

Ren tokens.dat tokens.bar

Net start sppsvc

Cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rilc
Shutdown /r /t 60

Changing the owner and access rights to a partition to the All group to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA branch
Grant full access to c:\windows\system32\spp

Have a great day!

Hello friends. The other day I was interested on the Internet, so to speak, in public opinion regarding the issue of activating Windows. Until recently, I believed that there were two types of users: some were supporters of pirated methods of activating the OS, others were adherents of the legal mechanism for carrying out this procedure, motivated either by personal moral and ethical principles or by the conditions for using computers in the corporate sector. But the other day I identified for myself a third type of user - those who do not activate Windows 10, do not use blocked personalization functions, and naively believe that in this way they do not violate copyright laws.

How to activate Windows 10

In fact, the moment of violation of Microsoft's rights occurs from the first second of using the OS, if it is supplied without trial activation with a temporary key. Or, accordingly, from the moment such trial activation is completed. The only question is whether this fact is revealed by government agencies, which either are not interested in such violators if they do not have more “interesting” sins, or have the authority to inspect only legal entities. In fact, this is what those who work with pirated Windows on personal devices have successfully used for many years. The information below is for those who are looking for legal ways to work with Microsoft products.

How to activate “Ten” legally, using a legal key? Below we will consider what specific steps need to be taken in the environment of the current version of the OS, but first a few words about the key itself.

Where to get a Windows 10 activation key

If we are talking about OEM devices, the key can be found on the bottom of laptops or on the back of system units purchased with pre-installed Windows 7 and later updated to version 10. Both for the latter and for OEM devices purchased with pre-installed versions of the system 8, 8.1 and 10, there is a universal way to extract the product key - using the utility. Naturally, this method must be resorted to before reinstalling the OS.

If Windows was purchased in a boxed version - on a DVD or flash drive, look for the product key on the media packaging label.

If we are talking about activating a PC or laptop without pre-installed licensed Windows, an activation key for version 10 must be purchased accordingly. You can do this in different ways:

  • Much cheaper, but with certain risks, a legal OEM key can be purchased on various Internet trading platforms.
  • Very expensive, but at the same time completely legal, without any risks, the “Ten” key is purchased directly from its creator – Microsoft.
  • Even more expensive than Microsoft, licensed Windows 10 can be purchased in various online stores in a boxed version (installation flash drive). But more expensive if you only buy boxed versions at the regular price. Online stores often hold sales, promotions, introduce bonus policies, etc.

Activation with Internet connection

If there is a key, if the computer is connected to the Internet, it is better to activate the system at the installation stage.

This will reduce the risk of problems with activation in the future due to incorrect deletion of the temporary key. But if the Internet is configured only in a fully functioning Windows environment, there is nothing else to do but postpone the key entry step.

In an already installed system, access to activation functions is provided in the Settings application. And this implementation is difficult not to notice - this is the inscription “Windows is not activated” in the center of the application window. Let's press it.

Let's get to the system activation section. Click “Change product key”.

Copy the key and paste it into this form. Click “Next”.

Now – “Activate”.

That's it - the system is activated.

If difficulties arise with activation, and it is reliably known that the key is genuine, you can try to correct the situation. In the same activation section of the Settings application there is a troubleshooting feature. Let's launch it.

If the problems are automatically resolved, the key entry form will appear on its own.

If you don't have a key, you can purchase one. Go to"Options" and click "Windows is not activated"

Like most licensed software, the Windows 10 operating system is a paid product. But it also has a “shareware” version. Each user decides for himself whether to leave the trial version on the computer or go through the OS activation process. Those who have opted for the licensed version can obtain the coveted activation key in several ways.

Why activate Windows 10

The “shareware” (non-activated) version of Windows 10 almost does not limit the functionality of the OS. Externally, it differs from the activated version only in that at the bottom of the desktop, above the taskbar, a “watermark” always hangs - a reminder of Windows activation. In addition, the user of the non-activated version is deprived of the opportunity to personalize the system, that is, change the desktop wallpaper, icons, loading screens, color themes, and so on. There is nothing critical for work in this, but still, these seemingly insignificant restrictions can sooner or later begin to irritate. In this case, it makes sense to activate Windows using one of the methods described below.

The “watermark” can be removed using third-party utilities, but restrictions on system personalization settings will still remain

How to activate Windows 10 without a license key

So, you have decided to activate your version of Windows 10. If you have an activation key, then there is nothing complicated about it. But what if there is no key? In this case, there are also ways to legally activate the OS. Microsoft offers two proven and secure methods to choose from:

  • Digital Entitlement method;
  • Activating Windows 10 by phone.

Digital Entitlement Method

In the Russian translation, the method of activating Digital Entitlement is called “Digital Resolution”. It was originally intended only for users participating in the Windows Insider program, created by Microsoft for preliminary testing and evaluation of Windows. Then the “digital resolution” became available to everyone during the free upgrade promotion period from versions 7 and 8.1 to Windows 10.

You can get a “digital license” on a PC by linking a Microsoft account to the installed OS through the “Activation” setting in the “Update and Security” settings, after which you will forever no longer need to activate Windows 10. But you will still need to enter at least once on your PC Windows license key.

After creating a Microsoft account, a corresponding entry will appear in the activation settings

To become a Windows Insider user and receive the coveted “digital permit”, you must:

  1. Go to the “Start - Control Panel - Update and Security” menu. Go to the Windows Insider Program section and click Get Started.
    You can also open the settings window by finding the required parameter through the Windows search window
  2. In the window that appears, you need to log in to your Microsoft account (if you don’t have one, then you will be asked to create one).
    You can also create a Microsoft account on the official website of the corporation
  3. Then the user will be offered a choice of one of three Windows Insider build packages, which differ in the “rawness” of system components. These packages accordingly allow:
  4. After selecting the Windows Insider build package, you must restart your PC.
    You can restart your PC later
  5. The next time you boot your system, you need to go into the Update & Security setting, then open the Windows Update window and click the Check for Updates button to download the required Windows Insider package.
    Sometimes the required Windows Insider build is downloaded automatically immediately after the PC is restarted
  6. Done, you now own the "digital resolution" of Windows.

Video: How to become a Windows Insider

The author of this article would like to warn users who are planning to resort to this method of obtaining “digital permission”. Firstly, the downloaded version of Windows 10 will be a test version and cannot guarantee stable operation of all components. Secondly, you will have to update the OS very often, since the number of Windows test components that are released is quite large. And thirdly, this type of system activation actually provides the user not with an official licensed version of Windows, but with a trial version of it, which is valid for 90 days, followed by automatic renewal for the same period. Sometimes a “watermark” that appears on the desktop may indicate that a trial version is being used.

When you hover over the watermark, a message will appear with information about using the Windows Insider Program

Activating Windows 10 by phone

This is another official way to activate Windows 10 offered by Microsoft. You need to do the following:

  1. Press the WIN+R key combination to open the Windows command line, enter the slui 4 command and press Enter.
    You can also launch the Windows command line by right-clicking on the “Start” icon and selecting the appropriate menu
  2. In the “Windows Activation Wizard” window that appears, after selecting your region of residence, an information window will open with the phone number to call and the installation code.
    You need to click on the “Enter confirmation code” button only after the answering machine confirms that the installation code you entered is correct.
  3. Call the provided toll-free number, then follow the step-by-step instructions from the answering machine. At the end you will be asked to enter the installation code on your phone.
  4. After entering the installation code, the answering robot will dictate a Windows activation confirmation code to you. You will need to enter it in the confirmation window.

    If the confirmation code is entered correctly, then after clicking the “Windows Activation” button, a window will appear confirming the completion of the activation process
  5. After entering the appropriate code, hang up, click the “Windows Activation” button, and then “Done”.
    After completing the Windows 10 activation process by phone, a corresponding entry will appear in the “Activation” settings
  6. Restart your PC. Your version of Windows 10 is now activated.

Video: Activating Windows 10 by phone

Security level of Windows 10 activation by phone

This method of activating Windows 10 is one of the safest, since the entire process is confidential, without the participation of any third parties (the activation is carried out by an answering robot). In addition, you do not transmit any personal data or information that threatens the security of your PC and operating system. There is only one rule to remember: call only the numbers specified in the “Windows Activation Wizard by Phone”.

Problems activating Windows 10 by phone

Sometimes the activation method by phone may not work. The most common problems that arise are:

  1. "Data not recognized." Or the Windows activation confirmation key was entered incorrectly - check and enter it again. Or the key is not suitable for the installed version of Windows - then you need to contact Microsoft technical support).
  2. "Call reset." The reason may be faults on the line or technical work of the Microsoft call center. It is best to call on weekdays from 9:00 to 20:00 Moscow time.
  3. "Synchronization error." Occurs when Windows time and date settings fail. If the time and date are set correctly, try synchronizing via the Internet through the bottom “Date and Time” control panel.

Delay activation of Windows 10

As you know, the non-activated version of Windows 10 is available for use only for 30 calendar days. After this period expires, the system will simply stop booting, displaying only a window with a message about the need to activate the OS. However, in reality, Windows 10 can run for as long as 90 days without activation. To do this, you need to use the deferred activation feature provided by Microsoft.

You need to do the following:

Video: How to extend the trial period for Windows 10 through the command line console

Activating Windows 10 after replacing PC components

If you had a licensed version of Windows 10 installed and you decided to replace components on your computer, this may lead to the OS activation key being reset. In this case, it will be impossible to reuse the current license. Most often this problem occurs when replacing the motherboard.. To reactivate the OS, do the following:

  1. In Windows Settings, go to the Update & Security console and open the Activation window. Select the Troubleshoot menu.
    When you change a hardware component, an entry will appear in the activation section warning that your OS version is not activated
  2. The activation system will display a message like: “Windows could not be activated on this device.” Click on the line “Hardware changes have recently been made to this device.”
    You will also be prompted to go to the Windows Store to purchase the new version of the OS.
  3. You will then be asked to sign in using your personal Microsoft account.
    If you are already logged in, this step will be automatically skipped.
  4. A window will appear asking you to select the hardware component that was replaced on your PC. After checking the appropriate box, click the “Activate” button.
    If you changed several hardware components at once, then you must select them all from the list presented.
  5. Ready. Your version of Windows 10 is activated again.
    After troubleshooting, a message will appear in the settings indicating that Windows 10 activation was successful.

Ways to purchase a Windows 10 license key

There are several ways to purchase a license key to activate Windows 10. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Microsoft Digital Store

This is the fastest and safest way. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive a digital key to activate your version of Windows 10. To purchase:

  1. Go to the official Microsoft website. In the Windows section, click on the “Buy Windows 10” button.

    To quickly navigate the site, you can use the search bar
  2. You will be offered a choice of purchasing two versions of the OS: “Home” and PRO (“Professional”). The difference between them is that the PRO version has expanded functionality and an improved data protection system. Click on the “Buy Windows 10” button.

    By clicking on the “Buy” button, you will be redirected to a page with a detailed description of the functions and capabilities of each OS version
  3. On the next page, where the advantages of the new OS will be described in detail, you must click on the “Add to cart” button, and then on “Checkout”.

    The cost of the order automatically includes VAT tax
  4. After selecting the payment method, click on the “Place order” button.
  5. Ready. The license key will be sent to your email, which is used in your Microsoft account. This key will need to be entered in the Activations settings of the Update and Security console.

Other ways to purchase a key

There are other, quite convenient, but differing in price and degree of reliability methods for purchasing a Windows 10 activation key.

A reliable, but less cheap way to purchase a licensed version of the OS. When using it, the benefit can be about 1–2 thousand rubles. You cannot purchase the boxed version on the official Microsoft website; you need to buy it in digital stores.

The kit includes:

  • Bootable USB device with Windows 10 OS;
  • digital activation code;
  • paper instructions for installing the system.

Before purchasing the boxed version, check for license certificates of authenticity

Purchasing equipment with Windows 10 installed

The most expensive way to purchase an OS. In this case, Windows 10 will, in fact, be just an addition to the components. Most often, this method is used by users who decide to completely update their PC hardware. In this case, a system unit pre-assembled in a store with Windows 10 installed will cost less than purchasing kits and the OS separately.

Usually in the characteristics of the system unit assembly there is a record of the presence of Windows installed

Purchasing through third party marketplaces

The least expensive way to purchase a Windows license, but the most unreliable. You can buy a Windows 10 digital key on any well-known trading platform, for example, on eBay.com. There are different risks with such a purchase. They may sell you a non-working key or an “OEM version” of it (a key that is already tied to specific equipment). The seller can replace the OS version (for example, sell a 32-bit version instead of a 64-bit one). D Even if the site (like, say, eBay) has a refund function within 30 days, this still does not guarantee the safety of the transaction.

All prices on the eBay trading platform are immediately automatically converted into rubles at the current exchange rate

The author of this article has repeatedly heard negative feedback from users who purchased Windows license digital keys on third-party trading platforms. Sometimes the keys turned out to simply not work. Sometimes, after a certain period, such keys were “revoked” (became unusable) due to the fact that the purchased digital license was an “OEM version”. Therefore, the author advises: if you decide to buy a key, for example, on eBay, then carefully read the description, check with the seller for information about the type and version of the key, and also check for the availability of a money-back function.

There are quite a lot of legal ways to activate Windows 10 so as not to resort to illegal methods. Any user can register for Microsoft's Windows Insider program with an appropriate digital license, or activate the OS over the phone. In addition, there is always the opportunity to buy both a digital and physical (boxed) version of Windows 10 or purchase it complete with an already assembled system unit. And if you need to save as much as possible, you can buy a key on third-party trading platforms, however, only at your own peril and risk.

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This post may be useful for all those who want to learn how to properly boot their smartphone or tablet into recovery mode in a situation where pressing certain button combinations does not work. The process is carried out in two separate directions
Internet does not turn on on Windows 10 computer
After installing the latest Windows 10, you want to try out all sorts of functions of the operating system, download and install programs - in general, try it out 100%. But it may turn out that at the first start it doesn’t work for some reason.