GeoGuesser is a geographic detective based on Google Maps. GeoGuesser - geographic detective based on Google Maps Game to determine the location of google

One day I opened my eyes and realized that I was in some completely unfamiliar place. I was standing on the road in a deserted, seemingly rural area; nearby some rather scary houses could be seen. I began to remember what this place was and how I got here, but my memory was completely blank. I walked along the road, trying to figure out where I was. As luck would have it, there was not a single person on the street, and rare cars passed by, not paying any attention to me.

Do you think that I decided to tell you the plot of a second-rate horror film or about my dreams? No, this is a new and extremely addictive Google Maps game that you just won't be able to put down!

The game is called and is based on StreetView technology from Google. I roughly described its meaning above: you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place and your task is to understand where the unpredictable choice of service has taken you. To do this, you can move around the area, read signs, look for road signs, try to determine the names of stores or trading companies on cars passing by. In short, use any information obtained for you to determine your location.

Sometimes it is quite easy and you literally find your place in a few minutes. But sometimes you may be taken somewhere on a highway in the Australian outback or in the Asian outback, where everything is in hieroglyphs, and you have to run around a lot, collecting evidence. In most cases, it is impossible to find yourself without the help of using Google and other sites, but if we assume that the lost traveler has a smartphone with Internet access in his pocket, then this is quite possible.

Once you understand your location, you should mark this point on the map located on the right. Please note that you need to mark exactly the place where you found yourself at the beginning, and not where you are after your search. After that, you will be shown the correct location and distance to the location you indicated. Depending on your accuracy, the corresponding number of points will be awarded.

This is not the first example of using Google maps for gaming purposes. But, to be honest, I don’t remember such a fascinating and interesting implementation. Discovering the smallest clues, searching for characteristic details, exploring new countries is seriously addictive, like a good twisted detective story. Let's not forget the element of sociality, which allows you to compete in geo-orientation with friends.

For example, you can hold a competition for the title the best detective-geographer on Lifehacker! I suggest you solve these five tasks and publish your result in the comments. For example, I ended up scoring 28,246 points. And you? Share in the comments!

One day I opened my eyes and realized that I was in some completely unfamiliar place. I was standing on the road in a deserted, seemingly rural area; nearby some rather scary houses could be seen. I began to remember what this place was and how I got here, but my memory was completely blank. I walked along the road, trying to figure out where I was. As luck would have it, there was not a single person on the street, and rare cars passed by, not paying any attention to me.

Do you think that I decided to tell you the plot of a second-rate horror film or about my dreams? No, this is a new and extremely addictive Google Maps game that you just won't be able to put down!

The game is called and is based on StreetView technology from Google. I roughly described its meaning above: you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place and your task is to understand where the unpredictable choice of service has taken you. To do this, you can move around the area, read signs, look for road signs, try to determine the names of stores or trading companies on cars passing by. In short, use any information obtained for you to determine your location.

Sometimes it is quite easy and you literally find your place in a few minutes. But sometimes you may be taken somewhere on a highway in the Australian outback or in the Asian outback, where everything is in hieroglyphs, and you have to run around a lot, collecting evidence. In most cases, it is impossible to find yourself without the help of using Google and other sites, but if we assume that the lost traveler has a smartphone with Internet access in his pocket, then this is quite possible.

Once you understand your location, you should mark this point on the map located on the right. Please note that you need to mark exactly the place where you found yourself at the beginning, and not where you are after your search. After that, you will be shown the correct location and distance to the location you indicated. Depending on your accuracy, the corresponding number of points will be awarded.

This is not the first example of using Google maps for gaming purposes. But, to be honest, I don’t remember such a fascinating and interesting implementation. Discovering the smallest clues, searching for characteristic details, exploring new countries is seriously addictive, like a good twisted detective story. Let's not forget the element of sociality, which allows you to compete in geo-orientation with friends.

For example, you can hold a competition for the title the best detective-geographer on Lifehacker! I suggest you solve these five tasks and publish your result in the comments. For example, I ended up scoring 28,246 points. And you? Share in the comments!

Hi all! I remembered here about an excellent game based on Google maps, which tests not only your knowledge of geography, but also your erudition in general and even logic. The game is available at The essence is very simple - we are asked to use a panorama from Google Street view (which I wrote about) to determine a specific place on the map. The more precise the better. At first glance, the task seems simple. At second glance, when you start playing, it is unsolvable. In fact, the result can be quite good if you pay attention to many factors. In any case, the game is addictive.

Game Features

We are offered arbitrary panoramas. It could be a city or just a road in the forest. For example, this type:

At first glance, the road and the road. However, something can be said here too.

We look around. Please note that the dividing strip is yellow, which means that this is not Russia, that’s something. I remember that they do this in America, by the way. Yes, the road sign is in English (you can zoom in!). This means the country is English speaking. But it doesn't look like Britain.

I don’t rule out that there is something similar somewhere in South Africa or Australia, but I’m still betting on America. If the USA, then it should be somewhere in the central part. There is vegetation; it is not a desert yet, but probably not the north of the country. So I reason and choose a similar place on the minimap on the right.

I missed by 1000 kilometers, but I think the result is very good. I was only wrong by two states. For this I was given three thousand conditional points. Let's continue further.

In addition to the obvious things (nature, inscriptions, flags), you can pay attention to the color of people’s skin, animals, car brands, the quality of the road surface and everything that comes to mind. If nothing is clear at first, you can move forward or backward along the road until you come across something remarkable. In short, a whole detective story.

And so on for five rounds, then they show us our final result.

It seems to me that the game shows the USA too often on the world map. Well, what can you do?

Various cards

You can play again or select other cards ().

There are maps for famous tourist places, for individual countries, for example, for Russia, for individual cities. There are even stadiums for football fans! The list is gradually growing. Some cards are only available after registration.

By the way, if you register, you can play with your friends by sending them a link.

You can also create your own maps, but this is for the fans.

This is such a simple and addictive way to pass the time. Well done whoever came up with this, thanks to them! Interesting. 🙂

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This is a geography game based on Google Street View. Despite the simple rules Geoguessr- This is an exciting activity, somewhat reminiscent of a detective investigation.

Sometimes Geoguessr It's called a geography game. This is a completely anecdotal opinion: one way or another, the Google geographic game does not require knowledge of geography. Here, intelligence and the ability to logic will seriously help.

The essence of the game is this: you see a photo taken in some random place on planet Earth, and you must point to this point on the map. Having done this, you immediately see:

  • correct answer
  • the distance by which you were mistaken
  • number of points earned

For a perfectly accurate answer, you are awarded (for some reason) 6500 points. The game consists of five questions, so the maximum you can score is 32,500 points.

At first glance, it seems impossible to determine the place from a photo. But this is a Google-powered geography game, and Google Street View is at your service! Move around, explore the area, look for inscriptions, signs and other clues.

Let's try to do one task.

When you go to, you see a photo - this is the first task

Looking around, we see the US flag - that’s already good

Having “traveled” a short distance, we come across the inscription “Bangor Savings Bank”

The rules of the geographic game do not prohibit the use of Google - by searching for “Bangor USA” we find out that this is a city in Maine, USA. We find it on the map and give the answer.

Mark the city of Bangor on the map and click “Make guess”

Geoguessr immediately shows the correct answer

We were wrong by 98 kilometers and scored 3236 points in the round. As they say, not bad for a beginner!

After finishing the game, you can view the result and receive a link to it to show your friends.

In addition, on there is additionally:

  • ability to set a time limit for the game
  • ability to create a challenge
  • opportunity to take on a challenge

By creating a challenge, you can invite anyone to try to score more points. The challenge is formed in the form of a link: by clicking on it, your opponent will receive exactly the same tasks as you, in order to try to surpass your result.

An example of a card with the result of the game: 11485 points scored

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