If the iPhone does not flip the image on the screen. The screen on the iPhone does not rotate - how to enable screen rotation? iPhone won't flip screen

Either due to a misunderstanding between the user and the operating system, or due to software problems, a situation may arise when the image on the iPhone screen is stuck in portrait or landscape orientation and does not want to rotate. In this article we will tell you what steps to take to solve the problem with auto-rotate screen on iPhone and iPod touch.

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First, you should understand that not all applications support screen rotation. Some may use only portrait or only landscape mode to display information, and some may only change orientation when opening certain content. In any case, first you need to make sure that auto-rotate works in standard applications.

Why doesn't my iPhone screen rotate, how to fix it?

To experiment, run the standard " Calculator" or " Calendar» and rotate the device to landscape orientation. If the image does not rotate, follow these steps:

1 . Disable orientation lock, which appears in the status bar as a lock in a circle with an arrow.

To do this, open Command centre and tap on the corresponding icon.

2 . The screen of the iPhone Plus and Max versions allows you to rotate Home screen. If screen rotation on the Home screen does not work on your iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone XS Max, turn off display magnification. To do this, open Settings → Screen and brightness→ in the section Display enlargement go to section View.

Switch " View" to " mode Standard" After this action, the device will reboot.

3 . If the steps described above did not help (in standard applications such as " Calculator" or " Calendar"The screen does not auto-rotate), then restart the device.

Have you tried everything? It may be necessary to contact an authorized service center. Most likely the problem lies in the hardware.

We described in detail how to solve a similar problem with an iPad tablet.

Has it ever happened to you that, lying on your side, you scroll through a photo gallery in an awkward position, and all because the screen rotation function rotates it, turning the picture over in a way that we don’t need. Until I found out how to disable screen rotation, it really annoyed me. Now we will teach you this too.

How to enable/disable screen rotation on iPhone

To disable the screen rotation option:

1. On an unlocked iPhone, press the button HOME 2 times. By calling up the menu of running applications in the background.

2. Scroll the panel to the left to bring up the iPod control window.

3. In this menu on the left you will see a button with a lock (or an empty arrow in the form of a circle). This button is responsible for turning on or off screen rotation.

4. Select the option you need "Vertical orientation locked/unlocked"

After these simple steps, you will not be bothered by flipping the screen when you are lying on your side, or in any other cases when you do not need it.

If you have new iOS 7

Guys, if you updated your operating system, then everything has changed for you. New instructions.

In this article, we will look at the unpleasant situation when the iPhone does not flip the image when rotated. Valid for the entire model range.

There may be several reasons for this problem. Consider them and we will give advice on solutions.

  • The simplest situation is that the screen is in a locked state. At the same time, the iPhone screen does not rotate following the user’s actions. Detecting a blockage is quite simple. In this case, the corresponding icon in the form of a closed lock will be displayed on the screen. At the same time, the screen also does not respond to touch in the usual way. You can solve the problem by unlocking the device.
  • Do not forget that the smartphone is designed in such a way that the screen rotates only if the device is oriented vertically. If the phone is lying on a horizontal plane, then the picture will not rotate.
  • Some applications do not support orientation changes. For example, viewing a video file is inconvenient in a vertical form, so in this situation the iPhone does not change orientation and allows you to use the application in the most convenient format.
  • The most unpleasant situation that can cause the screen to not rotate is a physical breakdown of the device. The technology is based on recognizing the orientation of the smartphone using a device called a gyroscope. If it fails, then on the iPhone the screen does not rotate during rotation or does not respond adequately to rotation. Damage may appear gradually. As the gyroscope fails, the smartphone does not always follow the change in position and requires tilting several times to rotate the picture. If the gyroscope fails completely, it does not provide a real picture of the current position and the smartphone independently begins to change the orientation of the picture. There can only be one solution - contact a certified service workshop to carry out the necessary repairs.

If you have any suspicions about the functionality of this function while using your smartphone, you can perform a simple and quick check. To do this, launch the standard "Calculator" application. At startup, the format will be set according to the current position. Tilt your smartphone 90 degrees.

People often ask questions about such a necessary iPhone feature as screen rotation. How to enable screen rotation? On different versions of the iPhone, this button works differently.

It's very convenient to watch videos in wide format, but to do this you need to flip the screen so that the video takes a horizontal position on the long side of the screen. Some text is also easier to type on a smartphone if you rotate the display to the larger side of the display. It happens that the image on the window itself has turned in the other direction and to return it back, you need to know how to do it, where to find it and how to turn on screen rotation on iPhone 4, iPhone 5, 5S, 6 by pressing the desired key.

There are concepts - the function of automatic rotation adjustment and the function of disabling display rotation on a smartphone. Let's look at how they work on the iPhone.

If you are the owner of an iPhone with iOS version from 4.0 to 6.0, then you can find the auto-rotate display button as follows. Click on the “Home” button and the application menu will open in front of you. Scrolling to the end, you will find a button with a round arrow, by clicking on which you will start auto-rotating the screen or lock the rotation, while your menu will display a display lock icon, allowing you to use the device only in a vertical position.

If you need to remove the lock from the vertical position, allowing the display to change direction depending on the position of the device, then find the lock button (circle with arrow) at the bottom of the smartphone menu and press it, deactivating it, to flip the display.

If you are the owner of an iPhone with iOS 7 or higher version, then on the main menu, drag the control point located below and click on the screen rotation icon on the iPhone lock with an arrow on the iPhone and the entry “Block” will appear in the iPhone display in the control point. portrait orientation: off.”

If you need to permanently block this option, you must swipe to call the “Control Center” function and activate it by pressing the corresponding upper round key, indicating the display lock.

What should I do if the auto-rotate function does not work?

You can always check the presence or absence of an auto-lock screen by going to the “calculator” application and rotating the iPhone, waiting until the menu view takes the form of a landscape sheet. If this does not happen, then your display is locked or the device software may not support the automatic display rotation function.

If the auto-rotate function does not work on your iPhone, try restarting your smartphone by pressing the reset button on the outer side of the case. The auto-rotate feature should appear when your iPhone boots up.

If the auto-rotate icon on your iPhone is locked and you cannot unlock this sign using the specified method, then try restarting your smartphone. After downloading, the auto-rotate feature should be enabled. If this does not happen, then Apple support will help you.

The automatic display rotation mode will help you expand a photo or video widely, although other applications, such as VKontakte or Skype, will not rotate to landscape view, but will remain only in portrait view.

The peculiarity is that you can only lock the screen in portrait view, but you cannot lock it horizontally in landscape view. Therefore, no matter how much you want to use your iPhone in a horizontal position while viewing email or browsing the Internet, you won’t be able to.

If the display does not turn over after all the manipulations, then the last thing left to do is to copy all the data from the iPhone via backup and restore the device again. After reinstalling the data, the turned on display on the iPhone will turn over when it is moved to a horizontal position.

In the iPad, the locking of this rotary function differs from the described activation procedure in smartphones. To enable auto-rotate display on your iPad, just go to the “Settings” menu, go to the “General” section and in the “Side Panel Switch” subsection, activate the “Orientation Lock” option. Unlike the iPhone, a tablet device can open applications and social networks in a horizontal position.

The iPhone, like any other modern smartphone, allows you to use vertical or horizontal screen orientation. Why is this necessary? For example, when watching a movie, you should definitely use landscape orientation. To read a book, as a rule, vertical orientation is used. And in general, in life we ​​usually use vertical screen orientation.

By default, any smartphone, including the iPhone, automatically flips the screen when the body is tilted. This, one might say, is a feature. If you want to lock the screen on your iPhone, doing so couldn't be easier.

Do it from the bottom up on your device so that “Control Center” appears. In it you will see a lock icon with an arrow. Click on it.

After this, an icon with an arrow will appear in the status bar at the top of the screen. It means that screen rotation is currently locked. No matter how you twist your iPhone in your hands, the screen will not turn over.

You can do it differently, although it will take a little longer. Find the Settings app on your desktop and open it.

In the “Basic” section, check the “Orientation lock” checkbox.

In this case, the auto-rotate screen is turned off, that is, the lock is turned on.

As you understand, to disable the screen orientation change lock, you need to do the above in reverse order. Nothing complicated.

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